Friday, October 5, 2007

Meme, I'm in love.......

My blogging bud Darla, tagged happy Friday and here we go!

1. Who is your man? Jerry
2. How long and you been together? 15 years in November. 12 1/2 married....
3. How long did you date? We went on our first date February 14, 1993, married on May 20th 1995.
4. How old is your man? 49
5. Who eats more? Since he tends to cycle with me, I think we're even...LOL
6. Who said I love you first? He did, we were on a drive in the country, he said he needed to relieve himself, so afterward he asked me out of the car to "watch the stars" we had our first kiss and then he said it. Of course I immediately replied the same..... :)
7. Who is taller? Jerry
8. Who sings better? Jer doesn't sing alot, and he can carry a tune, but I think me!
9. Who is smarter? He is....very wise about things!
10. Whose temper is worse? mine
11. Who does the laundry? Both
12. Who takes out the trash? Jer
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Jer
14. Who pays the bills? Both
15. Who is better with the computer? Me
16. Who mows the lawn? The lambs
17. Who cooks dinner? both
18. Who drives when you are together? Jer
19. Who is the most stubborn? Me, me, me, me.....
20. Whose parents do you like the most? Wow, that's a trick question...We both love both sets...we're blessed
21. Who kissed who first? Uh, we both leaned and went for it at the same time....
22. Who asked out who? Jer asked me....after I begged him....LOL
23. Who proposed? He did, up at the Lake, on one knee, on a picnic with the whole family....very romantic!
24. Who has more friends? Friends? What are friends....kidding, I'd say pretty much equal, we spend most all of our time together, with couples etc.
25. Who has more siblings? Me, I have 2 brothers and a sister, he has one of each....

Ok, anyone who has a significant other, consider yourself tagged!!! Have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

that was fun! thanks! I don't do these often..but somehow I am in need of comic relief! you all are so awesome...I am going to keep you forever and a day!

Anonymous said...

Gods Gal,
"9. Who is smarter? He is....very wise about things!"

That pause (.....) does appear to be a qualifier.

"16. Who mows the lawn? The lambs"

What a great concept. You don't have to mow the lawn and get free wool.

I lived in a city most of my life. I now live in a suburban area. There is a small farm near by. The first time I drove past it I did a double take because I wasn't sure if there were real sheep or just statues.

Anonymous said...

Darla, I'm counting on it!!! I'll keep you too, you are such a lifter of my spirit, I hope you have a very blessed weekend., did my subconscious kick in????? LOL Out here we call them meadow maggets..tee hee.....they're a fun thing to have. There are times when I have to smack them in the head to get them to move over, reminds me of why God refers to us as His lambs. You make my day my friend, hope all is well with you!