Saturday, July 14, 2007

Monkey see monkey do........

Ok, so I do have a slight sense of humor.......for some reason this just got my funny bone. I really don't have anything spectacular to write, except the fact that God just continues to amaze me every day with His unconditional love and the vastness of his patience and understanding. I suppose if I had to list a reason for this blog, first and foremost is to bring God my hope is that it is viewed by the believer and non-believer alike. I believe God is bigger than any problem or circumstance you may be facing right now and yes, He is a know-it-all and has ALL of the answers. I encourage anyone who doesn't know Him yet to have a chat with Him and begin your new adventure with the One who created you. He loves you right where you are, and enough to not leave you there. For those brothers and sisters who DO know Him, just praise Him.

1 comment:

Tam said...

well said my friend! well said!!! pretty blog - nice colors! I'm off to read your profile =)