Monday, July 16, 2007

You get what you expect.....

How many times do we go to church expecting God to do a work in us? Honestly, this last weekend was one of those times, and I got what I came for. My husband and I attend Table Rock Fellowship and I can honestly say we never come away from there regretting the decision to attend. The thing that was convicting to me was when Pastor Tom began to ask if we believed what we actually read in the paper......we all felt very proud of ourselves, no hands were raised. "OK," he asked, "how about on TV, do any of you believe what you see on TV?" Again, no brainer......hands stayed down. Next question, "Radio? Anyone believe what you hear on the radio?" OK, people are beginning to feel a set up, squirmy behinds filled the room, still no hands went up......Then, he held up the Bible. "How about this?"he asked. "Anyone believe what is in this?" Harmless question, everyone smiled nodded and hands went up everywhere. "Why then, do we spend so much time with things we don't even believe, and little time with the one thing we say we completely believe in?" Immediate eye opening of those life lessons that will stick with me for a very long time to come. God wants to come first in all things.....I don't always do that, but am so much more aware of how valuable our time is together.....

It's so good to have a Lord who isn't sitting there with a big stick when He wants our attention, He's so quick to forgive our shortcomings, when He just gently steers us where He wants us to go.

I just love Him so......


mandy said...

thanks for visiting my blog... and its great to hear that you have a church that you love attending! that's encouraging news... bc most people consistently find things they don't appreciate about their church.
its good to hear a report from one who values their local Body of Christ!

mandy said...

and i LOVED your embarrassing story.... sorry that i laughed at you. i'd be embarrassed too!

Tam said...

Hey Deb! Ya know what else I thought was amusing last weekend? When Pastor Tom asked if we believed in God's word, hands raised everywhere, then awkward laughter. hmmm-hmmm, that convicting laugh - embarrassed were we? Yep! I love you friend!

Gods Gal said...

Yes Mandy, I do love our church....which is really the people within....never the building. We have an awesome mix of accountability and acceptance of where an individual is in their's refreshing! Luvs ;)

Tam, you're right....God is so gentle in our weaknesses...I know I was convicted! Love you so...