Can't live in the bubble folks......
If you guys have not visited Friendly Christian.....I think you should...for what it's worth. This brother, Bill, has pretty much taken on the athiest world with his blog asking some very difficult questions. I have a pretty bold personality, especially when it comes to witnessing about Christ. And after four days of blogging with these people, it's a little exhausting...but well worth it. This is our purpose, this is what we are called to do. The last few months, the Lord has been taking me to a different level along with my wonderful hubby!! He's opening doors to go out more which is exactly what our church teaches us to do and prepares us for. But I'm finding, once you get out of the "saved people" bubble it gets a little rough. I've gone to church for so long, yes there is the occasional unsaved that attend and we witness and love on them....but wow what an eye opener to do something like street evangalizing in Springfield, OR. (Something the Lord has recently blessed me with) And to actually see someone in a drug induced frenzy, cry out the Living God and have a life change right before your eyes. I went home at the end of that day and sobbed. All I could do was sob, partly because I realized I had been avoiding the very people that needed Christ the most, and partly because I had become very comfortable around the saved people, and plain didn't want to be around the unsaved to that capacity. But the Lord calls us to this and gives us the words and strength at the very time we need it. It's why we're seek and save the LOST, not the "on the verge of coming to Christ" but the lost, and the lost don't always look so pretty. Once I composed my self a little bit, He gave me scripture from Corinthians 2:1-5 where Paul is addressing the heart of Christian witness.
"And I brethren when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God."We really need little more than our salvation and God's Word, just a willing heart to break our bubble and reach out.....Please don't mistake my boldness in Christ for being pompous, after rereading this it almost sounds that way, but I'm letting the post stand as is. I think it's important to leave the comfort zone....start by stopping by FC and giving him an atta you guys with all my heart!
well said! it has been incredible reading yours and others banters. very convicting! great stuff going on over at FC! for sure!
this is a great post too Deb! it's you...real! it's a great challenge! we need our butts kicked in this area in a mighty big way! i'm with you 100%
I am so proud of you...praise God for His power in us to do His will and work! not ours but His will be done!
Hi sweets...I think your last line there is the exact lesson He's been teaching me lately.....let go of that preconcieved stuff in you and just let Me work. Love you and still working on the transfer!!!!
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